Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The amazing thumb sucking Kruse kids

Well, I have this new camera see and I can't stop taking pictures!
Thanks again to my big brother Matt for the awesome gift.

 This picture is a bit blurry but shows off her super cheesy smile. 

 Ruby would prefer to be held, or held up all day long.  But there are moments she can be happy on her own as well.  She is, mostly, a very happy girl.  Just as long as Mom is very close.  Like just behind the camera...

 We've been enjoying lots of time outside.  It has been so beautiful here.  Ruby is extremely ready to keep up with her big sister.  She really wanted to get her hands on all the sidewalk chalk this day, but as we all know, Ruby likes to bite and taste everything.  Sidewalk chalk is not however on the list of appropriate foods for baby.  If it was I'm sure Gerber would make it in pureed form, as they make everything else these days...Vanilla Custard with banana, Hawaiin Delight, Vegetable risotto with cheese, Macaroni and cheese with vegetables, Garden vegetables with whole wheat pasta, Strawberry and Granola, Pear with Oats and cinnamon.  Geez, this girl is eating fancier things than me.  And she loves everything.
 Check out Stella's necklaces.

 I know, I know, photos of Stella to Ruby are like 2 to 6.  Stella is not into getting her photo taken these days.  She's over it for the time being.  But I keep trying and sneaking them.

Tonight both my girls were in the living room, I came back in from a quick trip to the kitchen and both girls were sucking their thumb.  What a sight.  It was very cute, and then it occured to me that I have not one but two children to break of thumb-sucking!
Today Stella went on her first run with me.  She asked me if she could go on the run with me this morning and I told her that when I got back we could go out together to run.  She patiently waited for me to go for my run and come back to get her.  When I walked in the door she asked, "Can I go for a run with you now?"  Of Course!  Who could say no to that? So we got on her special running clothes and shoes, put her hair up, locked and loaded Ruby into the jogging stroller and off we went.  Stella did awesome for a 3 year old.  When we started out I told her to use her arms...she put her arms straight out like she was headed towards someone for a big hug, or an 'I love you THIS much' gesture!  It was so funny.  She jogged for about a minute before she had to stop because her side hurt. Then we walked for a bit, turned around and ran together back home. 

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