Tuesday, January 18, 2011

abc's and Ruby

Yesterday we were out shopping.  She'd brought her blankie into the store with her and had lost track of it somewhere in there.  Uh oh!  I was getting a little panicked.  I asked some of the cashiers if they'd found a blankie and I described it to them.  No, nothing.  So we walked up and down the aisles retracing our steps.  Stella was asking everyone we passed in the aisles if they'd seen her blankie.  It was so funny!  Many of the people would respond to her; some of the ladies asked what it looked like and Stella would describe it to them.   "It's pink with a little lamb's head" she's say.  Some of the people she asked didn't respond to her and she'd tell me, "Her not listening to me"  :) After spending an extra half hour in the store looking for the blanket to no avail, it was time to leave.  I reached in my pocket to get the car keys and guess what I found?  The blanket!

Stella knows her abc's.  Well sometimes she leaves out a few letters here and there, but that's alright!  :)

The wonderful thing about a digital camera is that you can take so many pictures of the same thing with the idea that later you can choose the very best one to print.  My problem is I ended loving almost all of the pictures and have a hard time choosing a favorite!  I wanted to share a few with you of Miss Ruby.  She's rapidly approaching 4 months old.  I love her sweet face.  She's laughing a lot now and has discovered how to blow 'raspberries'.  Stella has heard us use that term to describe what she does with her mouth and yesterday told me, "Mom, Ruby's blowing strawberries."

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds like you are having a blast with your girls. They are so beautiful!
