Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meet Ruby Eileen

Monday morning, Sept. 27th,  6 a.m.

8:14 a.m.  Happy Birthday Ruby Eileen Kruse. 
Wow, that was quick!  :)
8 lbs. 14 oz. & 20 1/2" long
Head circ. 14" Chest 14"
(notice all the fourteens?)
First bath, the nurse informed Randy he was being too gentle!
                                               Mommy, Stella and Ruby.  I am sooooo lucky and
                                                                  in love with my girls

Grandpa Kruse with his grandaughters

What a week it has been!!  Ruby is such a wonderful addition to the family.  And we are so glad to finally have her here with us.  She seems to already have a very sweet disposition.  She sleeps and eats great and very rarely cries. 
Last night I had to wake her up every 4 hours to eat!  I got so much rest.  Much more than when I was pregnant. Stella has been an excellent big sister and has yet to act out in any kind of way or act jealous.  She doesn't mind at all when I hold or feed her sister.  She'll grab up her own baby to sit with.  Things are just going extremely well.  Randy has been so wonderful as well.  Helping me so much, as I have to limit my trips upstairs and around the house.  He has been just great.  I'll be sad when he has to go back to work.  My mom will be here all week and we're so glad she was able to come.   Last week Grandpa and Mimi Kruse were here to stay with Stella and I know she had such an awesome time with them.  We are so very fortunate to have our family!
I am recovering very well and much quicker than with Stella.  It is true what I've heard from friends, that the second time out of surgery is much easier. 
Many more pictures to come!


  1. Yay!! So glad to hear that everything is going so well for you. Having girls is so much fun...although a boy would be fun, too! ;) Can't wait to watch her grow! You look great!

  2. congratulations!! Ruby is an angel and we cant wait to see you all :) -lynn, nick and peyton

  3. So happy for ya'll! I can't wait to meet her. She is so precious and I am so glad that Stella is a rockin big sis! How blessed we all are for our families and their health. Love ya woman! Miss ya!
