Friday, August 20, 2010

love and attention spans in Greenville

Just some cute pictures I wanted to share...

Stella's practicing with baby 'Two' on how to love on her sister.  Cold and flu season should be interesting!
Stella's attention span while watching cartoons and videos has increased greatly!  And just within the past two weeks it seems.  She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Clifford the Big Red Dog, & Sesame Street (Elmo is her favorite).  We went to the library yesterday to rent some videos and she sat still this morning watching Elmo visits the doctor for and hour before I had to just turn it off.  She watched it again after her nap and then on to Mickey Mouse.  This may seem like trivial news to you all, but this is a big deal around here.  This pregnant Momma is getting tired and swollen and as I look to the future with a newborn here, having Stella be able to sit still and watch a video seems like a dream come true. 

1 comment:

  1. Gracie has been sending Stella Mickey Mouse and Elmo vibes. :)
