Monday, July 19, 2010

trip to Charleston

We took a trip to Charleston this weekend.  It was a quick trip (we only stayed one night) but we did a lot!  We were so glad to finally get there.  We've been wanting to go since we moved here.  We took off Friday morning and stopped in Columbia, SC.  A point which is about half way between Greenville and Charleston.  There we went to Riverbanks Zoo.  Stella really enjoyed it and I was impressed that she actually fed this goat.

Then on to Charleston...We stayed in a really great Inn downtown Friday night.  So we took some time that afternoon to walk around a bit.  I loved seeing all the old homes.  Unfortunately the museum and some of the tourist attractions were closing at 5, and we didn't make it.  But Stella really thought this big submarine outside was cool.  And we had a fabulous dinner.

The next morning we headed out to Folley Beach.  It was a very pretty beach and very clean.  Stella had a great time here.  And we were very glad to get her to the ocean one more time this summer. It was a beautiful day and she loved walking with us along the beach and insisted that either her Daddy or I hold her hand.  She enjoyed getting out in the waves, but a couple of times got splashed in the face.  At that point she'd say, "done now".  And we'd have to go for a breather up on the beach.  But she'd be ready for action again after a minute or so.  Her Dad went for a little walk a one point and Stella and I stayed behind.  We went down to the water and sat down she sat on my lap and hugged me tight and we just sat there together like that for 5 or 10 minutes.  It was wonderful and I'll remember that moment forever.   By about 1:30 that day, she was really worn out and I could tell.  She was getting pretty crabby and not wanting to go in the water anymore.  She looked at me and said, "home now", it was time to go.  Bye bye ocean, see you next year  +one more Kruse.

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