Thursday, November 19, 2009

what we're doing now

I caught Stella reading a book to her baby
Very proud of her princess shoes and says 'cheese' very well for the camera

Stella is learning more and more everyday. Our dog Millie has been renamed Mimi by Stella. Stella has a Grandma who goes by Mimi; I guess we'll figure that out later. If you ask her how old she is she holds up her 'one' finger and says one. She can repeat after us so many things now. She gives out lots of hugs and kisses too. She'll be playing by herself and then all of the sudden will come up to you and give you a kiss. I wonder how she comes up with that. How is it that she's playing and then all of the sudden thinks, 'I'm going to go give mom a kiss.'? So funny.
She says night-night to Millie (Mimi) every night complete with a wave.
This morning I snapped off a little dog treat and gave it to her to give to Millie. Minutes later I found her and she had pup-peroni breath.
She loves to try tickle us. She says 'tickle, tickle, tickle' and tickles me right under the chin and in the collar bone area. It really doesn't tickle; it kind of hurts. But she is so thrilled with herself to be tickling mommy that I endure it.

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