Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bring on the books

Stella's not one to sit down and focus on something for long. Up to this point she's not been really into books. Or if by chance I've got her sitting and try to read to her, she normally will try to grab the book out of my hands. I am pleased to report that today, however, she brought me book after book to read to her. She'd go to her shelve, choose one, give it to me and turn around and sit down in my lap and patiently listen to the story. We went through 11 books this morning. Woohoo!! :)

Stella's got a bit of a cold, just a runny nose. Nothing major. But she sure was crabby after her nap yesterday. I took her to the playground and shopping and that cured everything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced that a little fun and a little shopping can pretty much cure anything!
