Sunday, August 30, 2009

brushing the dog and face paint

Stella loves to be outside and also play in the garage. So I was fortunate to have lots of time trying to clean up and organize our garage a bit. She entertained herself very well. And while I was sure there was no anti-freeze or other harmful things within her reach, I hadn't seen the sack full of paints in the dog toy basket! How the heck did they get there?
So Stella climbed up in her stroller, her back facing me, and was quiet for a very long time...and this is the face I saw when I checked up on her. Of course the first thing I did was run to get the camera!

Stella likes to brush Millie, and Millie is a very good sport most of the time. Here she's using two brushes at one time! Why didn't I think of that?

1 comment:

  1. love it, love it, love it. oh, and adorable too! need i say more?
